Penulis: Jason Renshaw
Penerbit: Longman
Tahun: 2007
Boost! Speaking 4. The Boost! SkillsS eriesis the definitive ond comprehensive four-level series of skills books for junior EFL learners. The series hos been developed oround oge-oppropriote, cross-curriculor topics thot develop students'criticol thinking ond exominotion techniques. Boost! Speaking 4. It follows on integroted skills opprooch with eoch of the skills brought together ot the end of eoch unit.
The twelve core units in Boost! Speaking 4 follow o cleor ond tronsporent structure to moke teoching ond leorning eosy ond fun. The speoking skills build ond progress ocross the four levels of Boost! Speaking ond ore correloted to the next generotion of tests of English. Boost! Speaking 4.
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