Teaching With Style. To my surprise, the proposal was accepted and I suddenly began to worry about the presentation. I questioned whether I could go to a professional meeting in a few months armed only with a twelve page essay. “I’ll get killed by all of the empirical types,” I told myself. Thus, to protect myself, I developed a questionnaire and surveyed students about how they learned. Their responses were then used to supplement my informal observations. In retrospect, I am not convinced the paper was better but I felt less anxious knowing I had a few numbers to support my conclusions. The essay was well received and the editor of the prestigious American Psychologist asked me to submit it for publication. The subsequent article generated a considerable amount of interest in my views on learning styles and dramatically changed my career. I then began to seriously study a variety of teaching-learning issues including the role of student learning styles and teaching styles in the college classroom. Teaching With Style.
Penulis: Anthony F. Grasha, Ph.D.
Penerbit: Alliance Publishers
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